Effective rabbit breeding and fur farming http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz <p>The electronic journal publishes articles by Ukrainian and foreign experts, covering the issues of breeding, keeping, feeding, treatment and prevention of rabbit and fur animals diseases, based on the results of the researches directly aimed at solving fundamental problems and solving applied problems of the industry.</p> en-US bioresurs.ck@ukr.net (Boyko O.V.) bioresurs.ck@ukr.net (Honchar O.F.) Sat, 21 Dec 2024 21:46:52 +0200 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN ANIMAL HUSBANDRY http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/122 <p><em>The paper evaluates the current stage of the development of innovative technologies in the agricultural sector, respectively in animal husbandry and the prospects for the digital transformation of the agricultural sector. Digital technology and various other automated systems are defined. The peculiarities and the trend in the growth of digital innovations in cattle breeding are studied, as well as the factors that impact the technologies in this sub-sector. Digital technologies, which are the basis of modern management systems and the optimization of technological processes in cattle breeding, allow to collect of timely, qualitative information necessary for making correct management decisions, optimizing resources, and significantly reducing the production cost price. A retrospective analysis shows that problem farms can be brought to digitization only if serious financial investments are made. Farmers are in keen need of practical, innovative, and efficient network technologies. Livestock farming is a conservative industry that is not integrated, but digitalization is actively being applied.</em></p> N. T. Markov, S. T. E. Stoycheva, M. S. Hristov, L. I. Mondeshka, T. N. Markov Copyright (c) http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/122 Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 USAGE OF DIFFERENT BLUP METHODS IN INDEX EVALUATION OF POLTAVSKE SRIBLO RABBIT BREED http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/117 <p><em>In the work, a comprehensive BLUP AM evaluation of the breeding value of the Poltava silver rabbit breed was carried out according to myostatin and progesterone receptor genes, taking into account paratypic factors. A detailed analysis of the components of the reproductive capacity of female rabbits of the Poltava silver breed was carried out, and the most promising of them, from the point of view of selection, were considered. When compiling linear models according to the BLUP Animal Model, it is proposed to evaluate the reproductive characteristics of rabbits based on indicators of the number of rabbits born (excluding stillbirths) at the age of 40 days and the value of average daily growth. A selection index was developed for evaluating the reproductive capacity of female rabbits, which includes BLUP AM - evaluation of reproductive and maternal traits. The values of the selection index of female rabbits of the Poltava silver breed in terms of reproductive ability ranged from -0.035 to +0.140. When selecting animals, it is advisable to use the value of the selection index taking into account the age and serial number of lactation, and to improve the reproducibility of the BLUP AM value - estimates based on individual characteristics.</em></p> E. Shevchenko , Oleksij Honchar Copyright (c) http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/117 Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 THE INFLUENCE OF ZOOHYGIENIC CONDITIONS ON FERTILITY AND FUR QUALITY OF FARMED CHINCHILLA http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/120 <p><em>The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of zoohygienic conditions on selected production indicators of chinchillas, including fertility and fur quality. The research was conducted on a chinchilla farm in Myślenice (Poland), analyzing two housing units (Room A and Room B) during two periods: winter and spring. Measurements included temperature, humidity, air movement, gas concentration, and lighting within cages located at different levels. The results indicate that temperature and humidity were critical factors influencing productivity and fur quality. During the winter, lower fertility and poorer fur quality were observed, particularly in the colder housing unit B, where the average temperature was 17°C. Humidity levels in winter were also low (19–37%), negatively affecting health and fur quality. Spring conditions were more favorable, with higher temperatures (18.6°C in housing unit A) and humidity levels, leading to improved production indicators. Lighting, especially on the upper cage levels, also positively affected fertility. Higher light intensity in housing unit A contributed to better reproductive outcomes. In summary, optimizing the microclimate in farm housing, particularly with regard to temperature, humidity, and lighting, is crucial for enhancing production efficiency on chinchilla farms.</em></p> B. Tombarkiewicz, S. Łapiński Copyright (c) http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/120 Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 VARIABILITY AND NATURE OF HERITABILITY OF BREEDING AND GENETIC PARAMETERS OF MINK MALES AND FEMALES PRODUCTIVITY IN A NUMBER OF GENERATIONS WHEN USING CROSSBREEDING http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/121 <p><em>According to the results of retrospective analysis of electronic databases of productivity indicators of brown minks of Cherkasy regional consumer union (2008-2014, n = 17400 heads), the level of variability and the nature of heredity of breeding and genetic indicators of productivity of populations of domestic minks obtained by crossbreeding of Scandinavian minks with domestic mink of standard brown type were studied. It was established that during the study period, the improvement of breeding and genetic traits from the first to the fifth generation of animals was observed in the studied population of minks. The average value of the length of the mink of the initial generation was within 44.73 cm; the corresponding value for the body of the F4 offspring was 1.16 cm higher, and in the next generation we observed a sharp decrease in the value of this indicator by 2.0 cm. In the study of the quality of pubescence and color intensity of mink females in a number of generations, low variability of these traits was noted (C.V. = 0.63-1.50%). When studying the size of the white spot on the fur of mink females, it was found that this indicator in the animals of the studied population had a low level of variation and was in the range of 6.80-16.20 %, with extreme values of the trait score of 3 points. The minimum average value of the assessment of the size of a white spot on the fur - 4.18 points - was observed in the animals of the original generation. In the offspring, there was a tendency to improve the quality of fur for this trait with its maximum values in 2011 and 2014 - 4.90-4.82 points, respectively. Since 2011, the majority of females (68.6-90.0%), which were subsequently selected for reproduction, did not have white spots on their bodies. The reproductive function of mink females is highly dependent on environmental factors. Rather high values of the coefficient of variation were observed for this economically useful trait, ranging from 42.24-52.18 %, which is a consequence of the wide limit of the number of pups in a litter (1-16 heads). Thus, it can be assumed that the reproductive potential of female minks is realized against the background of the influence of not only genetic but also paratypic factors, which is reflected in the fertility rate of animals.</em></p> M. I. Bashchenko, O. M. Havrysh, N. V. Yaremych, A. V. Nevesenko Copyright (c) http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/121 Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 THE INFLUENCE OF FEEDING COMPLETE NUTRITION COMBINED FEED BALANCED BY STRUCTURED FIBER ON THE GROWTH INTENSITY OF YOUNG RABBITS http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/123 <p><em>A recipe for a complete ration compound feed balanced by structured fiber for feeding young rabbits has been developed. The use of such compound feed, developed with minor deviations from international standards for individual components of structured fiber, allows you to exclude soy cake from the recipe, which in turn contributes to increasing the efficiency of meat production.</em></p> <p><em>The results of the research proved that the actual nutritional content of the compound feed according to the above indicators was little different from the calculated one except for the crude fiber content. In terms of 90% dry matter for the experimental group, the percentage was 4.74% higher than the calculated one.</em></p> <p><em>It was established that the difference between the groups of analogues according to this indicator is not statistically probable. The absolute increase in live weight amounted to 771.9 g in the experimental group and actually did not differ by this indicator from the rabbits of the control group - 768.8 g. A similar trend was observed in terms of relative growth - 51.1% and 50.8%, respectively. During the entire period of research, the average daily increase in live weight of animals in the experimental group was 22.7 g, and in the control group - 22.6 g, that is, it was practically at the same level. The preservation of the stock of young animals in both groups was 100%. Thus, the animals of both groups almost did not differ in terms of the above indicators (the difference between the groups is improbable).</em></p> <p><em>When determining feed costs, it was established that during the entire period of the experiment, per 1 head. 5.74 kg of compound feed was fed in the experimental group and 5.80 kg in the control group (difference 1.03%), average daily consumption was 168.9 g and 170.5 g, respectively (difference 0.94%). Feed costs per 1 kg of live weight gain of young animals were equal: in the experimental group - 7.44 kg and in the control group - 7.54 kg, that is, they were lower in the 2nd group by 0.10 kg or by 1.33%.</em></p> <p><em>Pre-slaughter live weight 1 goal. in the experimental group it was 2499.0 g, and in the control group - 2497.5 g (difference 0.06%), the slaughter weight of the carcass was 1428.3 g and 1427.0 g (difference 0.09%), respectively, the slaughter yield of the carcass – 57.18% and 57.13% (difference 0.05%), as well as carcass length – 27.4 cm and 27.3 cm (0.37% difference). The difference between the groups according to all the above-mentioned indicators is statistically improbable.</em></p> <p><em>No significant probable difference was found between groups of analogs and when weighing internal organs. So, in particular, the weight of the liver in the experimental group was 57.0 g, in the control group - 57.3 g (difference 0.52%), kidneys - 15.5 g and 15.8 g, respectively (difference 1.90%). heart - 6.3 g and 6.5 g (difference 3.08%), lungs - 13.0 g and 13.3 g (difference 2.26%), as well as total weight skins 371.3 g and 371.8 g (difference 0.13%).</em></p> <p><em>It has been established that the use of a complete ration granulated compound feed for feeding young rabbits, developed according to international standards with minor deviations in the individual components of structured fiber (a higher starch content by 0.88% and a lower ratio of lignin to cellulose by 0.04), allows to exclude from the recipe soybean cake, and this, in turn, helps to reduce the cost feed in the total costs of meat production.</em></p> Oleksij Honchar, O. Bojko, L. Mezenceva, V. Mikhno, V. Bashchenko Copyright (c) http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/123 Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 RESEARCH OF THE ACTIVITY OF RRNA GENES IN NUCLEAR ORGANIZERS OF BLOOD LYMPHOCYTES KINGS OF UKRAINIAN BREEDING http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/124 <p><em>The study of animal nucleolar organizers makes it possible to assess the level of functional activity of 18S/28S ribosomal genes involved in protein biosynthesis. The aim of the work was to study the signs of nucleoli activity in the interphase blood cells of rabbits of different breeds of Ukrainian breeding.</em></p> <p><em>In the experiment, 4-month-old female rabbits of the Poltava Silver breed (n = 30), Californian (n = 25), and their hybrids (n = 21) were used. Zones of nucleoli in intact blood lymphocytes were studied according to the method of Howell and Black (1980). The preparations were stained with a solution of 50% AgNO3 with the addition of a 1% solution of formic acid and incubated in a humid chamber at a temperature of +60 °C. Microscopy was performed using a microscope "ZEISS, Germany" (magnification 10×100). At least 200 interphase cells were studied in each animal. The activity of nucleoli was evaluated according to the parameters: the average number of nucleoli in the nucleus (nNR), the total area of the nucleus in the nucleus (ΣSNR, μm2), and the share of the area of the nucleolus in the area of the lymphocyte nucleus (hΣSNR, %). Statistical analysis was carried out using standard variation statistics programs included in the "STATISTICA" (2020) program package. The average number of nucleolar cells varied from -1.70±0.08 in California rabbits to 5.90±0.29 in hybrid animals. A statistically significant difference (p&lt;0.05) was found between the experimental groups of purebred and hybrid rabbits. The coefficient of variation of the average number of nucleoli per cell was at the average level of variability: 20.58% in rabbits of the Poltava silver breed, 19.50% in the California breed, and 16.49% in hybrids. The total area of the nucleus in the cell in all experimental animals varied from 5 μm2 in one of the individuals of the California breed to 12 μm2 in individuals of hybrid origin. The share of the area of the nucleus from the area of the nucleus in Poltava silver, California, and hybrid rabbits was 26.10±1.80%, 24.30±1.62, and 29.40±2.50, respectively. </em></p> <p><em>Correlation analysis revealed a statistically significant relationship between the number of nucleoli per cell and the total area of the nucleolus in the cell nucleus (r = 0.54, p&lt;0.01) and between the number of nucleoli per cell and the fraction of the area of the nucleolus from the area of the nucleus (r = 0.28, p&lt;0.05) in Poltava silver rabbits.</em></p> <p><em>Polymorphism was established according to the studied parameters of nucleoli activity in intact peripheral blood lymphocytes of Poltava silver, California, and hybrid rabbits.</em></p> <p><em>The existence of a statistically significant difference between the research groups of purebred and hybrid rabbits in terms of the number of nuclei per cell, the total area of nuclei per cell, and the fraction of the nucleus from the area of the lymphocyte nucleus has been proven.</em></p> <p><em>The results of a comparative analysis of the studied parameters of the activity of nucleoli in peripheral blood lymphocytes of rabbits of the Poltava silver, California, and hybrid breeds indicate a higher activity of nucleoli in animals of hybrid origin.</em></p> V. Dzicyuk, O. Bojko, O. Honchar, O. Havrysh, O. Guzyevaty`j Copyright (c) http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/124 Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 FORMATION OF THE MAIN PRODUCTIVE TRAITS OF MINK PASTELS DIFFERENT SHADES OF FUR COLOR http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/125 <p><em>Live weight and size of Pastel minks were determined by sex and varied depending on the shades of fur color. </em><em>It has been substantiated that during both the comprehensive evaluation and preparation for rutting, animals with medium fur color exhibited better growth and had a significant advantage in live weight compared to their dark and semi-dark counterparts. Males outperformed females in terms of weight and linear growth across both experimental series and age periods. Analyzing the obtained data, it should be noted that minks in all groups had already reached a sufficiently high live weight by the time of evaluation, ranging from 2637.1 g to 3360.0 g in males and from 1153.1 g to 1569.4 g in females. During the first series of studies, the live weight of males and females with medium fur color at the time of evaluation was 20.0% and 20.5% higher, respectively, compared to minks with dark fur color. With age, males not only maintained their advantage in live weight but further increased it, exceeding their dark-colored counterparts by 24.9%. In females, however, this difference was only 11.2%. Following the transition of all groups to diets designed for rut preparation, the live weight of medium-colored males decreased by 13.4% and females by 19.6%, while dark-colored males and females experienced reductions of 16.8% and 12.9%, respectively, compared to their live weight at the time of evaluation. Similar trends in live weight changes across growth periods were observed in the second and third series of studies. Minks with medium fur color were not only heavier but also had longer body lengths compared to their counterparts of other shades. During the comprehensive evaluation, the average body length of medium-colored males in the first series of studies exceeded that of dark-colored males by 4.2%, and in the second series by 10.6%. The difference between medium-colored males and their semi-dark counterparts was 3.1% in the second series and 4.9% in the third. </em></p> <p><em>Minks with medium fur color were not only heavier but also had longer body lengths compared to their counterparts of other shades. During comprehensive evaluation, the average body length of medium-colored males in the first series of studies exceeded that of dark-colored males by 4.2%, and in the second series by 10.6%. The difference between medium-colored males and their semi-dark counterparts was 3.1% in the second series and 4.9% in the third. Medium-colored females also significantly outperformed their darker counterparts. In the first series of studies, the difference was 5.8%; in the second, 13.6%; and in the third, 8.7%. Compared to their semi-dark counterparts, the difference was 6.9% in the second series and 3.0% in the third.</em></p> <p><em>It is noteworthy that, with a few exceptions, the relationship between the main indicators in mothers and their offspring is significantly stronger than that observed in fathers. Offspring with the same fur color shades as their parents differed from them in the nature of the relationship between live weight and body length, and vice versa.</em></p> <p><em>Instead, the dominant and highly probable influence on the diversity of fur color shades in sons (17.4%) was attributed to fathers, while in daughters (17.9%), it was attributed to mothers. The impact of fur color shades on the formation of average indicators in offspring was also observed in terms of live weight and body length. However, it should be noted that sons, compared to daughters, were more influenced by the genotype of both parents, with contributions ranging from 10.7% to 18.3% for sons and 12.1% to 16.1% for daughters.</em></p> O. V. Korkh Copyright (c) http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/125 Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 SAFETY AND PRODUCTIVE EFFECT OF THE L-CARNITINE PREPARATION ON THE GROWTH http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/126 <p><em>The productive effect of the drug "CarnEon 50" on the intensity of growth of young rabbits was studied. A compound feed recipe was developed based on local feed ingredients: barley grits (10%) and oats (10%), wheat bran (10%), sunflower meal (20%), alfalfa flour (35%), table salt (0.4%), premix (3.1%). For the experiment, 6 groups of young rabbits of 10 heads each (5 males + 5 females) were formed using the pair-analog method. </em></p> <p><em>It was established that when used in the diet of fattening young rabbits "CarnEon 50" in the amount of 150; 200 and 250 g per ton of finished fodder (III, IV and V groups) live weight at 90 days of age increased by 2.9-6.8%, average daily gains - by 4.2-10.5%, lifetime waist width ( meatiness index) – by 3.0-4.5%, feed conversion improved by 2.5-3.9% compared to the first control group. </em></p> <p><em>Young rabbits of the IV and V experimental groups with 200 and 250 g/t of CarnEon 50 in their rations probably outweighed the control group by 124 and 94 g (р&lt;0.01) in terms of paired carcass weight. In terms of slaughter yield, young animals of III, IV and V groups had an advantage over the control group by 1.0 - 1.3%.</em></p> <p><em>The use of the drug "CarnEon 50" in the amount of 200-250 g per ton of compound feed in the diets of young rabbits during intensive production of rabbit meat makes it possible to reduce direct costs for the production of 1 ton of rabbit meat by UAH 800, and to increase the profitability of production by 2%.</em></p> I. Luchy`n, Yu. Sotnichenko, A. Nevy`senko, A. Bilan Copyright (c) http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/126 Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 EVALUATION OF THE COMFORT STATE OF RABBITS IN A BRICK RABBIT HOUSING BY PERIOD OF THE YEAR http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/127 <p><em>Climate change is one of the greatest threats to all segments of the population. Since it has a direct impact on the environment and economy of Ukraine. This requires appropriate adaptation measures to avoid a possible decrease in food production. The research was conducted on the population of Poltava Silver, Californian and New Zealand White rabbits of the Cherkasy Research Station of Bioresources of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The aim of the work was to determine the main parameters of the microclimate of a brick rabbit hutch, under the conditions of global warming and animal husbandry technology in Ukraine, to assess the comfort state. The research methods are bibliographic, analytical, physical, biometric. The microclimate research was carried out for 20 days of each season by the method of continuous automatic registration. For this purpose, the measuring and monitoring complex “Electronic monoblock air environment analyzer” was used. The temperature and humidity regime of the rabbit hutch was determined with a dry type of feeding of animals with complete mixed feeds. Bunker-type feeders and round-the-clock access to water from nipple drinkers were used. The comfort state of rabbits was assessed using the temperature and humidity index (THI). Studies have shown that during the winter period of keeping rabbits in a brick building, they experienced some discomfort, which was characterized by the TVI index at 46.5 units. This corresponded to the presence of minimal cold stress. The animals experienced significantly greater discomfort during the abnormally hot summer. At the same time, the TVI index was 74.4 units, or indicated the presence of moderate heat stress. When comparing the average values of reproductive performance of female rabbits, a probable predominance of quantitative parameters of nests by periods of the year was determined. They were consistent with the state of comfort of keeping animals.</em></p> M. Nebylytsia, O. Havrysh, O. Honchar, T. Osokina Copyright (c) http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/127 Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF USING MALES IN CROSSING LINES OF RABBITS http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/128 <p><em>Overcoming hunger is one of the key Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations. The development of rabbit breeding can become an important factor in solving this global problem of humanity, because this direction of animal husbandry, using modern resource-saving and highly efficient technologies of keeping and breeding, is able to provide the population with a valuable product for food.</em></p> <p><em>The most economically profitable technology for producing rabbit products today is industrial rabbit breeding, which involves keeping them in rooms with a regulated microclimate, using complete feed in feeding, and growing rabbits obtained as a result of crossing specialized lines. Currently, the most important task of breeders in rabbit breeding is to develop the most effective crossbreeding schemes. This is preceded by large-scale work to create and improve the original lines of rabbits, which will be used in crosses and ensure high profitability of rabbit production. In this regard, the current problem of industrial rabbit breeding at the current stage of its development is the search for optimal cross schemes and improvement of existing rabbit selection systems.</em></p> <p><em>The paper presents the results of studies conducted to study the economic efficiency of using males of the parental lines of the maternal form of the Hyla cross with different weight indices to obtain female rabbits of the maternal form of the cross with a high level of productivity. The studies were conducted in the conditions of LLC "Farm Krolikoff" of Cherkasy region. In the course of the experiments, the productivity and level of reproduction characteristics of males of the parental line of the maternal form of the Hyla GPC cross and female rabbits of the maternal form of the Hyla NG were studied. The calculation of economic parameters was also carried out and the profitability of using males with different weight indices was determined.</em></p> <p><em>As a result of the conducted studies, it was found that males with a weight index of more than 120 units had the largest live weight (5.87 kg) and were characterized by higher values of ejaculate volume and sperm motility. Analysis of the experimental data showed that daughters of males with a weight index of more than 120 units had the highest values of multiparity (10.37 heads) and milk yield (6497.3 g), and also prevailed over peers obtained from males with a weight index of less than 100 units and from 100 to 120 units in terms of survival of rabbits to weaning.</em></p> <p><em>Calculations of economic efficiency showed that the greatest profit can be obtained from the use of female rabbits that originated from males of the ancestral cross form with a weight index of more than 120 units. At the same time, the profitability of rabbit meat production was 35.11%.</em></p> T. Yakubets, V. Bochkov Copyright (c) http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/128 Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF BLOOD AND PRODUCTIVITY OF RABBITS AFTER FEEDING NANOTECHNOLOGICAL http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/129 <p><em>The effect of selenium citrate on blood parameters and rabbit productivity was studied. The study was conducted in a private rabbit farm on young rabbits of the Hylla breed. The animals were divided into four groups - control and three experimental. Rabbits in the control group consumed standard pelleted feed and water without restrictions, according to current requirements. The first experimental group, in addition to the standard diet with drinking water during the day, received an aqueous solution of nanotechnology selenium citrate in the amount of 50 μg Se/l. Accordingly, the second experimental group consumed selenium citrate at the rate of 100 μg Se/L; the third experimental group received selenium citrate at the rate of 200 μg Se/L. During the experimental period (days 15 and 30 of the study), the safety and growth rate of the rabbits of the control and experimental groups were monitored daily. All the obtained digital data were processed using the STATISTICA computer program using the method of variation statistics.</em></p> <p><em>The analysis of the results obtained indicates a positive effect of selenium citrate feeding on red blood counts, depending on its amount and period of use. A more pronounced biological effect with significant differences in the studied blood parameters and body growth was found in animals that received selenium citrate in the diet for 30 days at the rate of 200 μg/l. Feeding rabbits with different amounts of selenium citrate contributed to an increase in hematopoietic function, resistance and growth intensity compared to the control group. The use of selenium citrate in the diet of rabbits activated physiological and biochemical processes in the body, characterized by a higher number of red blood cells (P &lt; 0.05), leukocytes (P &lt; 0.05) and hemoglobin concentration (P &lt; 0.05), higher body weight and BW, which was more pronounced in rabbits fed selenium citrate at doses of 100 and 200 μg/l for 30 days of the study.</em></p> I. I. Kovalchuk, O. V. Prodanchuk, Y. V. Lesyk, M. M. Tsap, A. Z. Pylypets, V. A. Kolotnytskyi Copyright (c) http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/129 Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 DETERMINATION OF THE IRRITANT EFFECT OF AN IRON-CONTAINING VETERINARY DRUG ON RABBITS: RESULTS OF PRECLINICAL STUDIES http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/130 <p><em>Preclinical studies were conducted to determine the irritant effect of the veterinary drug "Ferodev" when applied to the skin and mucous membrane of the eye of rabbits. One milliliter of the drug contains the active substance iron (in the form of iron (III) hydroxide dextran complex) – 100,0 mg and excipients – phenol, water for injection. The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia in cattle (calves) and pigs (sows and piglets).</em></p> <p><em>During the studies, it was established that the veterinary drug "Ferodev" (solution for injection), when applied to the skin of rabbits in doses from 750,0 to 3000,0 mg/kg of body weight, does not exhibit an irritant effect, and in terms of the degree of danger it can be attributed to class IV – low-hazard substances (LD</em><em><sub>50</sub></em><em>&gt;2500,0 mg/kg of body weight).</em></p> <p><em>The drug "Ferodev" (solution for injection) does not cause an irritating (harmful) effect on the mucous membrane of the eye of rabbits, as evidenced by the absence of eyelid edema throughout the entire observation period, vascular injection and moderate discharge only during the first day after application.</em></p> <p><em>The results of preclinical standard studies of the iron-containing drug "Ferodev" on safety pharmacology indicate the absence of a special danger to animals when using therapeutic doses.</em></p> <p><em>Further studies will be the next stage of preclinical tests aimed at studying the embryofetotoxicity of the drug "Ferodev" in rabbits. The studies will include the study of pathological changes or death of embryos when dextran iron penetrates the body of pregnant females.</em></p> R. M. Sachuk , T. A. Velesyk, Ya.S. Stravsky, O.A. Katsaraba, B. S. Barylo, V. O. Рерко Copyright (c) http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/130 Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 CLINICAL PARAMETERS OF RABBITS UNDER CONDITIONS OF HEAT STRESS AND EXPOSURE TO ZINC, SELENIUM AND GERMANIUM CITRATE NANOPARTICLES http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/131 <p><em>Increased ambient temperature negatively affects the thermoregulation of rabbits. Under the conditions of high temperature and humidity, homeostatic mechanisms are disturbed and negatively affect the functioning of the animal's body, which requires effective measures to mitigate the effect of heat stress. The study was conducted on young rabbits of the Thermon White breed from 35 to 78 days of age in the vivarium of the Institute of Animal Biology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The rabbits were kept in the vivarium at an elevated ambient temperature of 28.9 to 30 °C and relative humidity of 78.1 to 87.4 %. Rabbits of experimental groups I, II, and III consumed the same feed and water without restrictions as animals in the control groups, but received water for 24 hours: Experimental group I - zinc citrate - 60 mg/l or 12 mg/kg body weight; group II - selenium citrate - 300 µg/l or 60 µg/kg body weight; group III - germanium citrate - 62.5 µg/l or 12.5 µg/kg body weight. The study of ear temperature, rectal temperature, respiratory rate and heart rate was carried out on the 14th day of the preparatory period and on the 14th and 29th days of supplementation in the experimental period under conditions of severe heat stress. The aim of the work was to determine the clinical parameters of the rabbit body: respiratory rate, heart rate, rectal temperature, ear temperature under conditions of heat stress and exposure to zinc, selenium and germanium citrate nanoparticles. The temperature and humidity were monitored using a Trotec ВL30 thermo-hygrometer with data logger. Humidity and temperature were measured by an electronic monoblock air analyser. The comfort of rabbits was assessed using the temperature-humidity index. It was found that feeding zinc citrate nanoparticles (60 mg/l) and selenium citrate (300 μg/l) under conditions of severe heat stress increased respiratory rate by 12.05 % (P&lt;0.05) and 16.47 % (P&lt;0.01) on day 29 of the study. A decrease in rectal temperature by 0.8 °C was recorded on day 14 of the experiment when zinc citrate was administered.</em></p> M. O. Yuzvyak, Y. V. Lesyk Copyright (c) http://bioresurs.ck.ua/journal/index.php/kiz/article/view/131 Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200