A recipe for a complete ration compound feed balanced by structured fiber for feeding young rabbits has been developed. The use of such compound feed, developed with minor deviations from international standards for individual components of structured fiber, allows you to exclude soy cake from the recipe, which in turn contributes to increasing the efficiency of meat production.
The results of the research proved that the actual nutritional content of the compound feed according to the above indicators was little different from the calculated one except for the crude fiber content. In terms of 90% dry matter for the experimental group, the percentage was 4.74% higher than the calculated one.
It was established that the difference between the groups of analogues according to this indicator is not statistically probable. The absolute increase in live weight amounted to 771.9 g in the experimental group and actually did not differ by this indicator from the rabbits of the control group - 768.8 g. A similar trend was observed in terms of relative growth - 51.1% and 50.8%, respectively. During the entire period of research, the average daily increase in live weight of animals in the experimental group was 22.7 g, and in the control group - 22.6 g, that is, it was practically at the same level. The preservation of the stock of young animals in both groups was 100%. Thus, the animals of both groups almost did not differ in terms of the above indicators (the difference between the groups is improbable).
When determining feed costs, it was established that during the entire period of the experiment, per 1 head. 5.74 kg of compound feed was fed in the experimental group and 5.80 kg in the control group (difference 1.03%), average daily consumption was 168.9 g and 170.5 g, respectively (difference 0.94%). Feed costs per 1 kg of live weight gain of young animals were equal: in the experimental group - 7.44 kg and in the control group - 7.54 kg, that is, they were lower in the 2nd group by 0.10 kg or by 1.33%.
Pre-slaughter live weight 1 goal. in the experimental group it was 2499.0 g, and in the control group - 2497.5 g (difference 0.06%), the slaughter weight of the carcass was 1428.3 g and 1427.0 g (difference 0.09%), respectively, the slaughter yield of the carcass – 57.18% and 57.13% (difference 0.05%), as well as carcass length – 27.4 cm and 27.3 cm (0.37% difference). The difference between the groups according to all the above-mentioned indicators is statistically improbable.
No significant probable difference was found between groups of analogs and when weighing internal organs. So, in particular, the weight of the liver in the experimental group was 57.0 g, in the control group - 57.3 g (difference 0.52%), kidneys - 15.5 g and 15.8 g, respectively (difference 1.90%). heart - 6.3 g and 6.5 g (difference 3.08%), lungs - 13.0 g and 13.3 g (difference 2.26%), as well as total weight skins 371.3 g and 371.8 g (difference 0.13%).
It has been established that the use of a complete ration granulated compound feed for feeding young rabbits, developed according to international standards with minor deviations in the individual components of structured fiber (a higher starch content by 0.88% and a lower ratio of lignin to cellulose by 0.04), allows to exclude from the recipe soybean cake, and this, in turn, helps to reduce the cost feed in the total costs of meat production.
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