• O. Boyko
  • M. Nebulutsa
  • O. Gavrish
  • E. Tkach


Results over of analytical estimation of indexes of dynamics of living mass of sapling/pl of crawls of breed are brought Poltava silver, that was contained in capital and the facilitated type apartments. It is studied also, that the basic parameters of microclimate of apartments did not answer the set normative values. Most deviation from a norm toward an increase observed on the indexes of level of relative humidity, carbon dioxide (СО2) and ammonia (NH3).

With the decline of natural ambient and increase of concentration of contaminants temperature in an apartment tendency is marked to the decline of fruitfulness of crawls The greatest index of fruitfulness of crawls, that held out in the apartments of different type during an experience period, was marked in spring (7,7-7,8heads), the least in cold period (5,78-6,12 heads).A high reliable difference is set in a spring period in capital and apartment of the facilitated type.

The analysis of dynamics of change on the index of living mass showed a sapling/pl, that in spring in a capital apartment fattening crawls took advantage on the index of living mass at birth, at the same time in the apartment of the facilitated type at comparison of mean values a reliable difference is set highly. At the separation of sapling/pl in30 daily age the high reliable difference of living mass in set in a capital apartment.

The indexes of dynamics of living mass for crawls that was contained in an apartment in day light saving time testify to reliable predominance on this index of crawls that held outin the facilitated apartments in age 30-90 days (P>0,99).

In an autumn period in apartments there was an increase of level of carbon dioxide and ammonia comparatively with assumer period, and living mass like prevailed for animals that held out in the facilitated apartment, but unimportant.
