• M. Caraman Scientific and Practical Institute of Biotechnologiesin Zootechny and Veterinary Medicine, Maximovca village, Republic of Moldova
  • L. Cremeneac Scientific and Practical Institute of Biotechnologiesin Zootechny and Veterinary Medicine, Maximovca village, Republic of Moldova
Keywords: ecological curative liniment, rabbit, auricular mange, enotanin, Enoxyl.


Researches were conducted in the rabbit breeding farm of SRL "Sof Fest", v.
Maximovca and in the laboratory Methods of Combating and Prophylaxis of
Diseases from the Scientific and Practical Institute of Biotechnologies in
Zootechny and Veterinary Medicine. The research was carried out within the
project 20.80009.5107.12 Strengthening the "food-animal-production" chain by
using new feed resources, innovative methods and schemes of health care.
The following were served as research objects:the liniments EC 5.0%, LEC
2.5%, LEC 5.0%, Insectol spray, rabbits of breed Martini. The active substance,
used for the production of ecological curative liniment, is a preparation of water-
soluble enotanins, called Enoxil, which has a yellow-brown powder, soluble in
water and was obtained at the Institute of Chemistry from grape seeds in the
process of depolymerization of enotanins. As a raw material for obtaining
enotanins were chosen grape seeds of black Fraga variety.
The ecological curative liniment LEC 5.0% was obtained under laboratory
conditions by mixing 5 g of Enoxyl, 40 ml of glycerin and 60 ml of water. The EC
5.0% was obtained by mixing 5 g Enoxyl and 100 ml of coconut oil. The LEC 2.5%
was obtained by mixing 2.5 g Enoxyl, 40 ml of glycerin and 60 ml of water.
The aim of the experiment was to assess the therapeutic efficacy and the
optimal concentration of the ecological curative liniment used for the treatment of
auricular mange. For research, 15 females (at rest period) with severe disease of
both ears were selected. The treatment of auricular mange at rabbits was
performed with the ecological curative liniment EC 5.0%, LEC 2.5%, LEC 5.0%
and Insectol spray, in one go, by spraying the earlobe. The mechanism by which
the faster healing of wounds was achieved is explained by the fact that, after the
application of liniment EC 5.0%, LEC 5.0% and LEC 2.5% to the affected surface,
took place a formation of a pellicle with an anaerobic effect for mites; anti-
inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic, inhibiting the intensity of inflammatory
processes and preventing secondary suppuration of the wound. For the treatment
of the auricular mange extended over the entire surface of the auricle, 3 sprays in each ear were sufficient, being equivalent respectively with 0.07euro/head of EC
5.0%, 0.03 euro/head of LEC 5.0% and 0.02 euro/head of LEC 2.5%. At the same
time, the liniment also had an emollient effect; the crusts peeled off without the
intervention of a veterinarian or operator. The liniment LEC 5.0% had a 100%
therapeutic efficacy and decreased the duration of treatment.
