• E. Shevchenko Сherkassy experimental station bioresоurces Academy of agricultural sciences of Ukraine
  • Oleksij Honchar Сherkassy experimental station bioresоurces Academy of agricultural sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: rabbits, breeding value, Best Unbiased Linear Prediction, Genomic Best Unbiased Linear Prediction


In the work, a comprehensive BLUP AM evaluation of the breeding value of the Poltava silver rabbit breed was carried out according to myostatin and progesterone receptor genes, taking into account paratypic factors. A detailed analysis of the components of the reproductive capacity of female rabbits of the Poltava silver breed was carried out, and the most promising of them, from the point of view of selection, were considered. When compiling linear models according to the BLUP Animal Model, it is proposed to evaluate the reproductive characteristics of rabbits based on indicators of the number of rabbits born (excluding stillbirths) at the age of 40 days and the value of average daily growth. A selection index was developed for evaluating the reproductive capacity of female rabbits, which includes BLUP AM - evaluation of reproductive and maternal traits. The values of the selection index of female rabbits of the Poltava silver breed in terms of reproductive ability ranged from -0.035 to +0.140. When selecting animals, it is advisable to use the value of the selection index taking into account the age and serial number of lactation, and to improve the reproducibility of the BLUP AM value - estimates based on individual characteristics.


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BLUPF90 Family of Programs. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:

Misztal I., Lourenco D., Aguilar I., Legarra A., Vitezica Z. Manual for BLUPF90 Family of Programs. University of Georgia; Athens, GA, USA: 2015
