• B. Tombarkiewicz University of Agriculture, Faculty of Animal Science, Department of Zoology and Animal Welfare, al. Mickiewicza 24/28, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
  • S. Łapiński University of Agriculture, Faculty of Animal Science, Department of Zoology and Animal Welfare, al. Mickiewicza 24/28, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
Keywords: chinchillas, zoohygienic conditions, microclimate, fertility, fur quality


The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of zoohygienic conditions on selected production indicators of chinchillas, including fertility and fur quality. The research was conducted on a chinchilla farm in Myślenice (Poland), analyzing two housing units (Room A and Room B) during two periods: winter and spring. Measurements included temperature, humidity, air movement, gas concentration, and lighting within cages located at different levels. The results indicate that temperature and humidity were critical factors influencing productivity and fur quality. During the winter, lower fertility and poorer fur quality were observed, particularly in the colder housing unit B, where the average temperature was 17°C. Humidity levels in winter were also low (19–37%), negatively affecting health and fur quality. Spring conditions were more favorable, with higher temperatures (18.6°C in housing unit A) and humidity levels, leading to improved production indicators. Lighting, especially on the upper cage levels, also positively affected fertility. Higher light intensity in housing unit A contributed to better reproductive outcomes. In summary, optimizing the microclimate in farm housing, particularly with regard to temperature, humidity, and lighting, is crucial for enhancing production efficiency on chinchilla farms.


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