• I. Luchy`n Cherkassy Experimental Station of Bioresources of the National Academy of Sciences, Cherkassy, Ukraine
  • Yu. Sotnichenko Сherkassy experimental station bioresоurces Academy of agricultural sciences of Ukraine
  • A. Nevy`senko Сherkassy experimental station bioresоurces Academy of agricultural sciences of Ukraine
  • A. Bilan Сherkassy experimental station bioresоurces Academy of agricultural sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: young rabbits, growth intensity, the drug


The productive effect of the drug "CarnEon 50" on the intensity of growth of young rabbits was studied. A compound feed recipe was developed based on local feed ingredients: barley grits (10%) and oats (10%), wheat bran (10%), sunflower meal (20%), alfalfa flour (35%), table salt (0.4%), premix (3.1%). For the experiment, 6 groups of young rabbits of 10 heads each (5 males + 5 females) were formed using the pair-analog method.

It was established that when used in the diet of fattening young rabbits "CarnEon 50" in the amount of 150; 200 and 250 g per ton of finished fodder (III, IV and V groups) live weight at 90 days of age increased by 2.9-6.8%, average daily gains - by 4.2-10.5%, lifetime waist width ( meatiness index) – by 3.0-4.5%, feed conversion improved by 2.5-3.9% compared to the first control group.

Young rabbits of the IV and V experimental groups with 200 and 250 g/t of CarnEon 50 in their rations probably outweighed the control group by 124 and 94 g (р<0.01) in terms of paired carcass weight. In terms of slaughter yield, young animals of III, IV and V groups had an advantage over the control group by 1.0 - 1.3%.

The use of the drug "CarnEon 50" in the amount of 200-250 g per ton of compound feed in the diets of young rabbits during intensive production of rabbit meat makes it possible to reduce direct costs for the production of 1 ton of rabbit meat by UAH 800, and to increase the profitability of production by 2%.


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