• T. Yakubets National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
  • V. Bochkov National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Keywords: cross, line, productivity, economic efficiency, reproduction traits


Overcoming hunger is one of the key Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations. The development of rabbit breeding can become an important factor in solving this global problem of humanity, because this direction of animal husbandry, using modern resource-saving and highly efficient technologies of keeping and breeding, is able to provide the population with a valuable product for food.

The most economically profitable technology for producing rabbit products today is industrial rabbit breeding, which involves keeping them in rooms with a regulated microclimate, using complete feed in feeding, and growing rabbits obtained as a result of crossing specialized lines. Currently, the most important task of breeders in rabbit breeding is to develop the most effective crossbreeding schemes. This is preceded by large-scale work to create and improve the original lines of rabbits, which will be used in crosses and ensure high profitability of rabbit production. In this regard, the current problem of industrial rabbit breeding at the current stage of its development is the search for optimal cross schemes and improvement of existing rabbit selection systems.

The paper presents the results of studies conducted to study the economic efficiency of using males of the parental lines of the maternal form of the Hyla cross with different weight indices to obtain female rabbits of the maternal form of the cross with a high level of productivity. The studies were conducted in the conditions of LLC "Farm Krolikoff" of Cherkasy region. In the course of the experiments, the productivity and level of reproduction characteristics of males of the parental line of the maternal form of the Hyla GPC cross and female rabbits of the maternal form of the Hyla NG were studied. The calculation of economic parameters was also carried out and the profitability of using males with different weight indices was determined.

As a result of the conducted studies, it was found that males with a weight index of more than 120 units had the largest live weight (5.87 kg) and were characterized by higher values of ejaculate volume and sperm motility. Analysis of the experimental data showed that daughters of males with a weight index of more than 120 units had the highest values of multiparity (10.37 heads) and milk yield (6497.3 g), and also prevailed over peers obtained from males with a weight index of less than 100 units and from 100 to 120 units in terms of survival of rabbits to weaning.

Calculations of economic efficiency showed that the greatest profit can be obtained from the use of female rabbits that originated from males of the ancestral cross form with a weight index of more than 120 units. At the same time, the profitability of rabbit meat production was 35.11%.


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