• M. Nebylytsia Cherkassy Experimental Station of Bioresources of the National Academy of Sciences, Cherkassy, Ukraine
  • O. Havrysh Сherkassy experimental station bioresоurces Academy of agricultural sciences of Ukraine
  • O. Honchar Сherkassy experimental station bioresоurces Academy of agricultural sciences of Ukraine
  • T. Osokina Сherkassy experimental station bioresоurces Academy of agricultural sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: rabbits, rabbitry, microclimate, temperature-humidity index, temperature stress


Climate change is one of the greatest threats to all segments of the population. Since it has a direct impact on the environment and economy of Ukraine. This requires appropriate adaptation measures to avoid a possible decrease in food production. The research was conducted on the population of Poltava Silver, Californian and New Zealand White rabbits of the Cherkasy Research Station of Bioresources of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The aim of the work was to determine the main parameters of the microclimate of a brick rabbit hutch, under the conditions of global warming and animal husbandry technology in Ukraine, to assess the comfort state. The research methods are bibliographic, analytical, physical, biometric. The microclimate research was carried out for 20 days of each season by the method of continuous automatic registration. For this purpose, the measuring and monitoring complex “Electronic monoblock air environment analyzer” was used. The temperature and humidity regime of the rabbit hutch was determined with a dry type of feeding of animals with complete mixed feeds. Bunker-type feeders and round-the-clock access to water from nipple drinkers were used. The comfort state of rabbits was assessed using the temperature and humidity index (THI). Studies have shown that during the winter period of keeping rabbits in a brick building, they experienced some discomfort, which was characterized by the TVI index at 46.5 units. This corresponded to the presence of minimal cold stress. The animals experienced significantly greater discomfort during the abnormally hot summer. At the same time, the TVI index was 74.4 units, or indicated the presence of moderate heat stress. When comparing the average values of reproductive performance of female rabbits, a probable predominance of quantitative parameters of nests by periods of the year was determined. They were consistent with the state of comfort of keeping animals.


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