• Y.V. Duda
  • L.V. Kuneva


The concentration of rabbits in a limited area naturally led to the emergence of various invasive diseases. Pasalurosis and piziformny cysticercosis are widespread in Ukraine. In this regard, the aim of the research was to establish meat productivity and the yield of slaughter products of rabbits affected by the pathogens of Passalurus ambiguus and Cysticercus pisiformis.

The intensity of pasalurosis invasion was 1100 ± 373.92 eggs in 1 g of feces. The level of infestation of rabbits with spontaneous cysticercosis ranges from 2 to 9 blisters.

It is characteristic that all internal organs of rabbits affected by the pathogens of Passalurus ambiguus and Cysticercus pisiformis decreased in weight, except for the spleen and lungs, which increased by 31.90% and 11.75% and 38.04% respectively (p <0.05 ) and by 9.43%. Patients with cysticercosis rabbits on a live weight were inferior to healthy by 158.42 g (4.89%, p <0.01), by slaughter weight - by 215.81 g (11.50%, p <0.01). A similar trend was observed in rabbits affected by the pathogen Passalurus ambiguus, the slaughter weight was less by 271.16 g (14.89%, p <0.01) in comparison with healthy ones. As a result, the slaughter yield of patients with cysticercosis of animals was lower by 6.32% (p <0.01), of patients with pasalurosis - by 13.22% (p <0.01), in comparison with healthy ones.

Rabbits, even with a low intensity of cysticercous invasion, have insufficiently developed internal organs, compared with the control, a significant decrease in heart weight was found by 7.22% (p <0.05), the liver with a gall bladder — by 13.42% (p <0, 05), kidney - by 8.09% (p <0.05), testes - by 23.65% (p <0.01). It should be noted that in rabbits infected with the pathogens Passalurus ambiguus, only the liver mass with the

gallbladder significantly decreased - by 16.41% (p <0.05) compared with healthy animals.

This indicates a violation of metabolic processes in the body of rabbits, these violations lead to a low level of meat animal productivity. It can be concluded that even with a low intensity cysticercous invasion, rabbits have insufficiently developed internal organs, which may indicate a disturbance of metabolic processes in their bodies, which leads to a low level of meat productivity of animals. However, in rabbits affected by Passalurus ambiguus pathogens for a long time, the carcass weight, carcass yield and liver mass, also a valuable food product, significantly decreased.
